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Pro-Palestine protestors arrested at Cal Poly after blocking roadway

Protestors for Palestine block entrance to Cal Poly.
Courtesy of @thecentralcoastorganization Instagram Page.
Protestors for Palestine block entrance to Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo.

Eight people were arrested at Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo Thursday during a protest for Palestinian lives, according to university representatives.

Police arrive at Cal Poly protest.
Courtesy of @thecentralcoastorganization Instagram Page.
Police arrive at Cal Poly protest.

The protesters chained themselves together and blocked traffic at California Boulevard, a main campus entrance.

A community group called The Central Coast Organization called for a ceasefire Thursday on its Instagram page. They also urged Cal Poly, SLO to divest from companies supplying weapons or fuel to Israel.

Protestors refused campus police’s orders to disperse which led to the arrest of four students, one faculty member and three individuals not affiliated with the university.

In a statement to KCBX, Cal Poly spokesperson Matt Lazier said, “Cal Poly supports lawful protests and demonstrations but will not tolerate illegal activity.”

KCBX Reporter Amanda Wernik graduated from Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo with a BS in Journalism. Amanda is currently a fellow with the USC Center for Health Journalism, completing a data fellowship that will result in a news feature series to air on KCBX in the winter of 2024.
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