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WWII internment of local Japanese Americans, saving heritage resources, and cooking for Passover

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In April 1942, Arroyo Grande residents- who were Japanese Americans- were taken from their homes to a temporary relocation center in Tulare. Historian and author Jim Gregory talks about those days with KCBX's Tom Wilmer.

Japanese Internment.mp3

In California, heritage resources are rescued from harm during emergencies, like fire, earthquakes and floods. Tom Wilmer speaks with Colonel Kirk Sturm about the Heritage Emergency Response Team.

Heritage Resources Rescue .mp3

Playing With Food, from the KCBX archives, has Fr. Ian Dellinger learning to prepare traditional foods for Passover.

Playing With Food- Passover mp3

Carol started as a newsroom volunteer at KCBX in the summer of 2017, inspired by her daughter's internship with KCBX News. She joined the KCBX staff in 2018 as a substitute host, and became the local host for Morning Edition in 2020.