A new trail will soon provide a safe route for cyclists and pedestrians to go from downtown San Luis Obispo to Cal Poly using a path along the railroad tracks.
By September 2021, more than 142,000 people had been documented in the Preserve this year. More than 200,000 are expected by the end of the year.
By September 2021, more than 142,000 people had been documented in the Preserve this year. More than 200,000 are expected by the end of the year.
Use of closed trails and off-trail open space can contribute to erosion and damage vegetation.
A 20-year draft plan for the future of parks and recreation in San Luis Obispo is now available for public viewing.The Parks and Recreation Blueprint for…
San Luis Obispo County’s Pismo Preserve drew record crowds over Thanksgiving, leading to concerns that some hikers were not following CDC guidelines for…