The story of Kohler-as in toilets, sinks and bathtubs-is a tale of a family-owned business that is a classic American success story. The village of Kohler, Wisconsin was a model, futuristic garden company town when it was laid out at the turn of the 20th Century. Kohler’s immigrant employees were housed in a grand residence dubbed the American Club. In the late 1970s, the building was repurposed as a five-star, five-diamond resort. Join correspondent Tom Wilmer in Kohler, Wisconsin as he explores the history and present-day world of all things Kohler.
You are invited to subscribe to the Lowell Thomas Award-winning travel show podcast, Journeys of Discovery with Tom Wilmer, featured on the NPR Podcast Directory, Apple Podcast, iHeartRadio, the NPR One App & Twitter: TomCWilmer. Instagram: Thomas.Wilmer. Member of the National Press Club in Washington D.C. Underwriting support provided by the Society of St. Vincent De Paul.