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The Reluctant Therapist: 2008 Archives

Audio archives are not available online for shows prior to 2012. For an audio copy of an older show, please contact us with your specific request.

December 3, 2008: Elizabeth Barrett is The Reluctant Therapist

November 5, 2008: Elizabeth Barrett is The Reluctant Therapist

October 1, 2008: It's time to reconsider the Feminist movement and the impact of this well-intended social experiment to make having-it-all possible for everyone. We seem to have literally thrown out the baby,( and a whole lot more), with the bathwater, in our efforts to gain equality.

September 3, 2008: Good and Effective Parenting: The basics and why all parents need to know them.

August 6, 2008: Elizabeth Barrett brings us another conversation with The Reluctant Therapist

July 2, 2008: It is time for mental health practitioners to help clients heed their own "call of the wild" and reconnect with nature instead of acting as pawns for the pharmaceutical companies and chasing symptoms for the HMO's.

June 4, 2008: Elizabeth Barrett's topic this month is self-esteem for children.

May 7, 2008: Host Elizabeth Barrett discusses the over-use of medications in treating children diagnosed with attention disorders and the barriers to utilizing alternative treatments.

March 5, 2008: Elizabeth Barrett is The Reluctant Therapist

January 2, 2008: Elizabeth Barrett is The Reluctant Therapist

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