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Journeys of Discovery with Tom Wilmer

Robots, drones and autonomous tractors transforming the Ag landscape

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Weed/Seed Spider robotic vehicle FIRA-USA Salinas

Walt Duflock takes us on an insiders' tour of the High-Tech AG Expo,held at the Salinas Sports Complex

 Correspondent Tom Wilmer spent the day with robots, drones and their handlers at the FIRA USA high-tech Ag Expo held at the Salinas Sports Complex, September 19-21.

Naio Technologies Autonomous Ag machines on display at FIRA-USA Salinas, California

Wilmer visited with Walt Duflock, Western Grower’s Vice President of Innovation.

Walt Duflock (left) talks with correspondent Tom Wilmer at FIRA-USA Ag Expo at Salinas, CA Sports Complex.

Duflock and Wilmer met up with Ag-Tech representatives: Nathan Soich with New Zealand based Robotics Plus;

Nathan Soich with New Zealand based Robotics Plus visits with correspondent Tom Wilmer

Jose Marchetti with Switzerland based Ecorobotix;

Jose Marchetti Exorobitix (left) visits with correspondent Tom Wilmer at FIRA-USA Ag Expo held at the Salinas Sports Complex.

Briana Layfield, President and founder of Ag-Bee Agricultural Drone Services;

Briana Layfield, founder and visionary at Ag-Bee Drone Services visits with correspondent Tom Wilmer

Takeshi Yoshida, an engineer with Aero Systems West industrial heavy lift drones.

Takeshi Yoshida, an engineer with Aero Systems West industrial heavy lift drones

We'll then visit with Jake Randall with Agtonomy telefarming.

Walt Duflock is a fifth generation California farmer (cattle, wine grapes, leafy greens). He’s a 30-year Silicon Valley startup veteran (eBay and 3 other acquisitions), with seven years as an AgTech Innovation leader where he focuses on solutions for labor, water, and food safety.

Journeys of Discovery with Tom Wilmer is featured on the NPR.ORG Podcast Directory

You are invited to subscribe to the seven-time Lowell Thomas Award-winning travel podcast, Journeys of Discovery with Tom Wilmer, featured on the NPR Podcast DirectoryApple Podcastand more than twenty other podcast hosting sites including iHeartRadio and Spotify

Tom Wilmer produces on-air content for Issues & Ideas airing over KCBX and is producer and host of the six-time Lowell Thomas award-winning NPR podcast Journeys of Discovery with Tom Wilmer. Recorded live on-location across America and around the world, the podcasts feature the arts, culture, music, nature, history, science, wine & spirits, brewpubs, and the culinary arts--everything from baseball to exploring South Pacific atolls to interviewing the real Santa Claus in the Arctic.