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Cal Poly beefs up campus security after student was assaulted

Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo
Aidan Dillon
Aidan Dillon
Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo

Cal Poly San Luis Obispo has boosted campus security following an assault that left a student seriously injured this week. A Cal Poly spokesperson said campus police have increased patrols around dorm areas in the wake of the attack, with both officers and Mustang Patrol volunteers.

The assault on the unidentified male student occurred early Sunday morning as he walked between two campus dorms. The university said six young men or boys jumped out of a white four-door sedan and set upon the student without provocation.

The student’s father tells the SLO Tribune that his son suffered a dislocated jaw, a concussion, and multiple wounds to his face. And he said attackers shouted homophobic slurs before and during the assault.

Those kinds of allegations often trigger a hate crime investigation, which can lead to much stiffer penalties for those convicted.

A Cal Poly spokesperson declined to discuss the allegations about homophobic slurs, or to talk about the case beyond what was included in a brief news release.

No arrests have been made in the case.

Anyone with information about the attack is urged to contact the Cal Poly Police Department, or call Crime Stoppers to file an anonymous report.