Broadcast date: 9/17/15
As a nation are we spending too little where it matters most? The “Raising of America,” a new and compelling documentary special, seeks to spark a first-ever national conversation about how conditions faced by children and families during infancy and the early years—can literally alter the developing brain and affect a child’s future success—in school and life.
As an increasing number of families struggle to provide the nurturing environment and to access the kind of support systems needed to make sure young children thrive how does this growing squeeze on parents--for time, for money and for resources—impact the future mental and physical wellbeing of their children? What are the consequences for our nation? And how might we do better?
Join host Kris Kington-Barker as she speaks with Wendy Wendt, Executive Director with First 5 San Luis Obispo County, Children & Families Commission, Margaret Kensinger-Klopfer the Youth Services Coordinator Librarian with the San Luis Obispo County Library System and Melinda Sokolowski, the Family Support Services Division Manager for Community Action Partnership of San Luis Obispo County and First 5 SLO County Commissioner as they talk about the film series, upcoming free screenings, countywide community discussions and the cost of not investing in our children more.
Central Coast Voices is sponsored by ACTION for Healthy Communities in collaboration with KCBX and made possible through underwriting by Joan Gellert-Sargen.