Lack of access to affordable, quality child care in San Luis Obispo County has reached a crisis point locally and across the state. This crisis has serious implications, not just for families and children, but also for local employers, the local economy and overall health of the community.
Join host Fred Munroe for a Labor Day special as we look at the childcare crisis in our community. He will be speaking with Tonya Iversen, Director of ASI Children’s Center with Cal Poly, Molly Kern, Director of Governmental Affairs with San Luis Obispo Chamber of Commerce and Wendy Wendt, Executive Director with First 5 San Luis Obispo County as they discuss the lack of access to affordable, quality child care in SLO County and talk about “We Are the Care,” a new community mobilization designed to come up with local solutions to the child care crisis, including a mix of child care professionals, families, businesses and governments.
Broadcast date: 9/5/19
Central Coast Voices is sponsored by ACTION for Healthy Communities in collaboration with KCBX and made possible through underwriting by Joan Gellert-Sargen.