Prisoners at the California Men's Colony have not been receiving their full rights when it comes to religious services according to a report released Tuesday, July 14th.
The San Luis Obispo County Grand Jury said the CMC is not in full compliance with the California Code of Regulations.
The jury's report said religious life at the prison has been placed on the "back burner" as chaplains said attendance at religious services is limited by staff.
The report's authors also said the chapels they toured have doors and windows that leak during rains, asbestos in the walls, mold and other problems.
"We inspected the entire prison and in comparison between the chapels and any of the other residence areas for the inmates, they are in a sad state of repair," said Jury foreman Larry Herbst.
The jury also said it found the chaplains at the CMC report to a mid-level of management, but recommends that they should report to an associate warden. They also do not receive expense money to support their ministries.
The jury also recommendations that the CMC bring its chapels into compliance with state building codes.