KCBX's Beth Thornton visits Girls Inc. in Carpinteria, a girls’ leadership program and a place for after-school care. The non-profit is prepared to serve as a community gathering space during extreme heat events.
KCBX’s Sal Espana speaks with Emmy award winning comedian Kathy Griffin ahead of her Central Coast appearance at the Fremont Theater in SLO June 9th.
KCBX reporter Alyssa Toledo speaks with journalist Mark Follman, whose Mother Jones article, published for the tenth anniversary of the Isla Vista mass killings, features a conversation with the killer’s mother.
The Live Oak Music Festival is coming up, and Steve Ahlgrim and Kathy Johnston produced this audio story about the festival at Opossumopolis recording studio in Los Osos.
As our weather warms over the summer, we're approaching peak rattlesnake season in California. Emily Taylor, Professor of Biology at Cal Poly, is the author of the book "California Snakes and How to Find Them".