It’s been just about nine months since the Montecito Debris Flow killed 23 people and destroyed homes, bridges and roadways. Now that the immediate pain…
As of 10:30 a.m. Tuesday, the county sheriff's office has lifted the mandatory evacuation orders put in place on Monday afternoon. According to Santa…
Due to a fast approaching storm, Monday afternoon Santa Barbara County emergency officials ordered mandatory evacuations. People in the extreme risk zones…
After nearly two months of cleaning up after the January 9, 2018 debris flow, this week's rainstorm brought more stormwater flowing down Montecito's…
Santa Barbara County officials sent out a warning Tuesday evening of a coming storm that could bring more debris flows to areas scarred by recent fires.…
Santa Barbara County officials are asking Montecito residents to suggest ideas on how to rebuild. After the January 9 mudslides and debris flow destroyed…
Besides having to rebuild their homes and community, survivors of the January 9 Montecito debris flows are now wrangling with their insurance companies.…