As climate change and drought make wildfires a year-round hazard in California, many residents in high-risk areas must now take extra precautions — including keeping pets safe.
Pet parents often feel conflicted when it's time to make a decision about ending their pet's life. Dorothea Deley hopes her book "How to Say Goodbye to…
Since the start of the pandemic, a Central Coast nonprofit animal services organization is seeing a huge increase in demand for its services. With more…
Animal shelters across the state are seeing a reduction in the number of dogs and cats in their kennels. Eric Anderson, the manager of San Luis Obispo…
San Luis Obispo County has a significant homeless population, many of whom own pets. A program offered by Cal Poly veterinarian students helps many of…
In advance of her performance at the Fremont Theatre in San Luis Obispo on Saturday, March 4th, 2017, Paula Poundstone chats with Marisa Waddell about…
UPDATE: October 22, 2015 at 10:25 a.m.Ringworm is showing up with greater frequency in the Santa Barbara County pet population, according to local…
Santa Barbara County's Animal Services is rewriting its ordinance on dogs and owners rights and responsibilities.The Public Health Department has already…
Broadcast date: 7/30/2014There’s a local veterinary hospital that offers a new community outreach program for the pets of housebound seniors and people in…
It's traumatic to lose a beloved pet, but planning ahead can help ease the pain during that difficult time. Donna Cheek learns how during her conversation…