The middle Tennessee town of Monterey was established in 1893 by the Cumberland Mountain Coal Company. Today, coal is history, but the town still chugs along with just under 3,000 residents. It’s 100 miles to the nearest big towns of Knoxville, Chattanooga or Nashville; this is a place where people come to get away from it all to bike, kayak, hike and just kick back.
Join correspondent Tom Wilmer for a visit with Putnam County historian Dale Welch as he shares tales of Whistling Willie, the Monterey train station’s resident ghost, along with stories of Welch’s life journey and the world of Monterey, Tennessee—"Where the Hilltops Kiss the Sky.”
You are invited to subscribe to the Lowell Thomas Award-winning travel show podcast, Journeys of Discovery with Tom Wilmer, featured on the NPR Podcast Directory, Apple Podcast, iHeartRadio, the NPR One App & Twitter: TomCWilmer. Instagram: Thomas.Wilmer. Member of the National Press Club in Washington D.C. Underwriting support provided by Hawaiian Legacy Reforestation Initiative, and the Society of St. Vincent De Paul.