Broadcast date: 10/16/2014
Supporters of building local, sustainable and fair food systems believe that by connecting members of our community to the abundance of local food and farming in the County they can bridge the gap between what people eat and where it comes from, and in doing so, can strengthen the food culture and the relationship people have with their food. These efforts have the potential to foster strong connections among farmers and have the ability to not only nourish our community, but make local food products more accessible for everyone.
The organization Central Coast Grown, advances these ideals through such projects as the City Farm in San Luis Obispo, its recently released Public Land Survey, conducted to take inventory of and qualify the public land suitable for agricultural purposes, and a local Food System Assessment, with results that indicate how profitable, resilient, equitable and healthful it has the promise to be.
So, how do local, sustainable food systems benefit our community? What is the state of our local food system? And, how can individuals better understand and learn about urban farming?
Host Kris Kington-Barker is joined by guests Jenna Smith the Executive Director with Central Coast Grown and Rachel Cohen, Associate Planner with Rincon Consultants, and board member of Central Coast Grown to discuss their vision of a sustainable, regional food system, their progress and other local food news.
Central Coast Voices is sponsored by ACTION for Healthy Communities in collaboration with KCBX