What bothers you about your transportation system? How should our region grow to accommodate new people, homes, and jobs? On what projects should transportation funds be spent? As our region continues to grow, good long-range planning and investments can help be proactive before problems come with them. This is one of the chief responsibilities of San Luis Obispo Council of Governments (SLOCOG), an association of local governments that represent the entire region, to explore multiple housing, job, and transportation scenarios through modeling and testing to prepare a long-range Regional Transportation Plan, or RTP for our future.
Join host Fred Munroe as he speaks with guests with the San Luis Obispo Council of Governments (SLOCOG), Regional Planning Division Chief, James Worthley, and Public Information Officer, Anna Devers. They will discuss the 2023 Regional Transportation Plan (RTP), a long-term blueprint for the San Luis Obispo region’s transportation system that prioritizes spending on transportation projects through the year 2045, and tell us how we can share our input on key regional transportation topics.
You are invited to listen, learn and participate in the conversation, between 1-2 pm. Call in and be part of the discussion at (805) 549-8855 or email questions to voices@kcbx.org.
Broadcast date: 6/24/2021
Central Coast Voices is sponsored by ACTION for Healthy Communities in collaboration with KCBX and made possible through underwriting by Joan Gellert-Sargen.