The Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant, California’s last operating plant, will continue to run until 2030. This week the Biden Administration finalized a billion-dollar aid-package to help keep the plant running.
It was scheduled to shut down one reactor this year and then its last remaining one next year.
Now, more than 1 billion dollars of federal funding will go towards extending Pacific Gas and Electric’s operation of the plant for five more years.
PG&E Vice President of Nuclear Generation Maureen Zawalick says the money will help the company pay back a 2022 state-loan.
“When we get that money, it doesn't come to PG&E, that goes right into paying back the state,” Zawalick said.
During a severe heat wave three years ago, state leaders approved a 1.4 billion-dollar loan to maintain the site’s operation through 2030.
But throughout, opponents have been concerned that nuclear power generation could bring safety issues to the region.