In a 3 to 2 vote, San Luis Obispo County Supervisors approved the Dana Reserve housing development plan in Nipomo. The scope of the project generated local opposition and the meeting lasted two days.
Members of the community filled the hearing room and waited patiently for an opportunity to express their views.
The project will be built off the 101 freeway in Nipomo. It includes housing at all levels from very-low-income to high-income homes with parks, trails, and some commercial buildings.
Prior to the vote, Supervisor Jimmy Paulding, who represents Nipomo, expressed some concerns about the project. He said he's in favor of more housing, but wants an improved plan.
“I’ve been listening to the people of Nipomo and they have been saying loudly and clearly that they want balance. Like them, I don’t accept that there is no way to make a more balanced housing project work here,” Paulding said.
The proposal for about 1400 units was passionately opposed by many locals who consider it too big and damaging to the natural environment. In addition to traffic and water concerns, 3,000 mature oak trees will be removed.
A neighborhood organization called The Nipomo Action Committee presented ideas for a smaller development, but it didn’t change the final outcome.
Residents, business owners, and non-profit housing advocates also attended the meeting to voice their support for the Dana Reserve project.
“San Luis Obispo County is experiencing an affordable housing crisis, we know that. High demand and low supply are contributing factors. We just don’t have enough houses that are affordable for sale or rent,” Pat Cusack from 5Cities Homeless Coalition said.
Supervisor Bruce Gibson voted no along with Paulding.
The housing will be built in phases over the next several years.