Howard Zehr, often referred to as the “godfather” of Restorative Justice (RJ), traces RJ’s emergence in the 1970s as an effort to correct many of the weaknesses of the current criminal justice system. Recognizing that punishment is often ineffective, RJ focuses on helping offenders to recognize the harm they have inflicted and encourages them to repair that harm, when possible. RJ does this by engaging individuals and community members in the process.
Join host Fred Munroe as he speaks with guests from Restorative Partners, Sister Theresa Harpin, Founder and Executive Director of Restorative Partners, and Eric Blanco, The Bridge Café General Manager. They will discuss how Restorative Partners works to transform lives impacted by crime through healing services and relationships.
You are invited to listen, learn, and participate in the conversation, between 1-2 pm. Call in and be part of the discussion at (805) 549-8855 or email questions to
Broadcast date: 12/8/22
Central Coast Voices is sponsored by ACTION for Healthy Communities in collaboration with KCBX.