50 agricultural workers receive the COVID-19 vaccine at their workplace in Fresno, which advocates say is the best way to ensure all farmworkers get…
In this episode of Issues & Ideas, we learn about a project aimed at addressing climate change by planting trees in Stockton and renewing urban forests. A…
As some students struggle with remote learning, Central Coast parents have started a group urging the reopening of schools for all grade levels. More than…
While we know that COVID-19 and school closures have been a hardship for parents and children, what has been the impact on teachers? After quickly…
Schools have moved to online education and that means every student needs a computer and internet access to participate. A program called Computers for…
More than 173,000 people have died of the coronavirus in the United States. We learn more about one of those who died of COVID-19 in July—Su Thao, a Hmong…
Some elementary schools in San Luis Obispo County are now filing paperwork trying to get permission to reopen for in-person classes in the fall. It…
In a unanimous decision by the Lucia Mar Unified School District Board of Education, more than 10,000 students within the district's 19 schools will be…