With the strictest stay-at-home order now extended for the Southern California region—which includes San Luis Obispo and Santa Barbara counties—area…
In San Luis Obispo County, Pacific Gas & Electric says it still can’t say when Diablo Canyon will restart sending electricity to California’s grid. The…
As of Sunday night, 63 percent of SLO County voters have already cast their votes in the current election. But of those still filling out their ballot—or…
The fitness industry has taken a huge hit as the state is trying to mitigate the spread of Covid-19.For two-and-a-half months, Central Coast gyms were…
The news many have been looking forward to finally came Monday: California’s governor announced it is now up to individual counties to proceed on…
The Central Coast is known for its many gifted artists—across the spectrum of mediums and disciplines—who choose to live and create here. Via Zoom, we…