Laurie Mcandish King's brilliance as an author was succinctly summed up by noted travel journalist, Jeff Greenwald: "King's curiosity is contagious—whether she's visiting a shrine to Buddha's tooth, undergoing shamanic surgery, or crashing a convention of flying saucer sighters. Her tales glow with wit, warmth and a sense of wonder." Come along a join the conversation on the docks in Morro Bay, California with host, Tom Wilmer and Ms. King.

Author of Your Crocodile Has Arrived, Laurie McAndish King’s award-winning travel stories and photography have appeared in many publications, including Smithsonian magazine, Travelers Tales’ The Best Women’s Travel Writing, and Lonely Planet’s The Kindness of Strangers. Her first book, Lost, Kidnapped, Eaten Alive! True stories from a curious traveler, won four literary awards.

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