Local law enforcement are addressing public safety concerns following an incident Wednesday morning that shutdown all city buses in San Luis Obispo.
The San Luis Obispo Police Dept. said a man boarded a bus at the downtown Transit Center and announced to bus riders the possibility of a bomb on one of the city buses.
According to police, the man stated in part, “I am passing out literature and talk about the possibility that there may be a bomb on one of the busses. This is not a joke, so I would advise you, not to ride the busses today or for the rest of the week until I am shown to be wrong. But I have reason to believe that this is the case. Thank you for your attention.”
Police say the man got off the bus stop near the Performing Arts Center on the Cal Poly campus and walked north.
All city buses are being searched for explosive materials and will be closed until further notice.
RTA Buses are not affected.
Anyone with information is asked to contact the San Luis Obispo Police Department at 805-781-7312.