Parks and recreation services are often cited as one of the most important factors in surveys of how livable communities are. Parks bring economic value to cities by improving the local tax base and increasing property values. Parks are places where people go to get healthy and stay fit. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, creating, improving, and promoting places to be physically active can result in a 25 percent increase of residents who exercise at least three times per week. And last, according to the National Parks and Recreation Association, parks are a tangible reflection of the quality of life in a community.
Join host Mario Espinoza-Kulick as he speaks with guests Lynda Plescia, Recreation Services Manager with the City of Paso Robles, and Dennis Smitherman, Assistant (Interim) Director with the City of Santa Maria. They will discuss the significance and benefits of local parks and recreation programs, especially for youth and the elderly.
You are invited to listen, learn and participate in the conversation, between 1-2 pm. Call in and be part of the discussion at (805) 549-8855 or email questions to
Broadcast date: 9/1/22
Central Coast Voices is sponsored by ACTION for Healthy Communities in collaboration with KCBX.