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Cal Poly senior project prosthetic, backyard chickens, Cal Poly Arts, and roundabouts

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As part of a senior project, a team of Cal Poly engineering students is working to build a new prosthetic for a fellow student, and they speak with KCBX's Sarina Grossi about their work.

Cal Poly Senior Project prosthetic

Fr. Ian and the Playing With Food team takes a look at urban backyard chickens.

Urban Chickens

Cal Poly Arts Director Molly Clark talks with correspondent Tom Wilmer about her mission to provide compelling performances that resonate with the students and the community.

Cal Poly Arts

From an episode of Agenda Breakdown from the KCBX Archive, Kim Bisheff discusses the reasons behind the use of roundabouts on the Central Coast.

Agenda Breakdown Roundabouts

Carol started as a newsroom volunteer at KCBX in the summer of 2017, inspired by her daughter's internship with KCBX News. She joined the KCBX staff in 2018 as a substitute host, and became the local host for Morning Edition in 2020.