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Lubbock’s Museum of Agriculture—The Smithsonian of all things AG

tractor on display at Bayer Museum of Agriculture
Thomas Wilmer

The Bayer Museum of Agriculture in Lubbock, Texas is the Smithsonian of all things Ag from primitive McCormick Reapers to state of the art computer assisted John Deere Cotton Strippers.

Correspondent, Tom Wilmer visits with Lacee Hoelting, Executive Director. Join them for a tour of the ag museum with its vast array of not only tractors, but all things related to life in agrarian America, past and present.  

mule powered farm equipment at Bayer Museum of Agriculture
Credit Thomas Wilmer
in addition to 20th century tractors, roots of farming are showcased at the Bayer Museum of Agriculture
old Allis-Chalmers tractor
Credit Thomas Wilmer
old fashioned Allis-Chalmers tractor at Bayer Museum of Agriculture

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Tom Wilmer produces on-air content for Issues & Ideas airing over KCBX and is producer and host of the six-time Lowell Thomas award-winning NPR podcast Journeys of Discovery with Tom Wilmer. Recorded live on-location across America and around the world, the podcasts feature the arts, culture, music, nature, history, science, wine & spirits, brewpubs, and the culinary arts--everything from baseball to exploring South Pacific atolls to interviewing the real Santa Claus in the Arctic.