There remains 818 ballots to be processed in the recent election for the San Luis Obispo County District 4 supervisor seat. As of the June 11 counting session, incumbent Lynn Compton was ahead of challenger Jimmy Paulding by 81 votes. The next counting session is scheduled for Friday, June 15.
To date in the June 5 primary election, 8,798 votes were cast for Compton, while Paulding garnered 8,717 votes. 51 percent of eligible District 4 voters either sent in a ballot or cast their vote at a polling place, according to unofficials election results released on Monday afternoon.
Those remaining 818 ballots are scheduled to be counted at 10 a.m. on June 15, so it won’t be until Friday afternoon that a more complete vote tally will be released. By then, almost all the ballots in this election will have been processed by the county’s elections office. According to state law, if San Luis Obispo County voters dropped off their ballots in other places around the state, those polling places are allowed eight days to forward the ballots to San Luis Obispo County and still be counted.