On Tuesday evening, city officials in San Luis Obispo approved the proposed San Luis Ranch housing development. The city council voted unanimously in favor of the project, which calls for the phased construction of 580 homes, as well as commercial and office space and a 200-room hotel. The building site is 130 acres adjacent to Highway 101 between the Madonna Road and Los Osos Valley Road exits.
After the vote, KCBX News spoke to resident Ryan Miller about why he attended the hearing.
“I’m a 25-year resident of the city of San Luis Obispo, and a local business owner,” Miller said. “I came out tonight hoping to speak both for local business leaders and the people we employ.”
Miller said he's pleased San Luis Ranch was approved.
“I think if we look at what the final project is - and I know there is a little bit of work yet to happen - I think we can be proud of the fact that everybody collaborated really well for the benefit of our whole community,” Miller said.
Kate Norton does public relations for the San Luis Ranch development team.
“Gary Grossman’s team - we’re all local people, we live here, we play here, we are raising families here,” Norton said.
Gary Grossman says he's been working towards Tuesday night's approval for four and a half years. And that for the past 30 years, that piece of property has been the subject of several proposals.
“This is a legacy project for me, actually, and I’ll be devoted to it, you’ll be seeing me,” Grossman said. “I design all my houses and I’m going to be there every step of the way, all the way through this.”
Grossman says the next step is finalizing the term sheet and other details of a lottery system to ensure San Luis Obispo residents and workers get first dibs on purchasing San Luis Ranch homes.