Sault Ste Marie, Michigan is situated just about as far north as you can go before bumping in to the Canadian province of Ontario. Actually if you’re paddling your canoe and the wind blows you off course you’ll make landfall in the sister city of Sault Ste Marie, Canada.
Join Correspondent Tom Wilmer in Sault Ste Marie. Linda Hoath, Executive Director of the local Convention and Visitors Bureau.
This show was originally published October 17, 2016 and is reshared as a Best-of-the-Best audio travel feature in celebration of Journeys of Discovery's 32nd anniversary producing on-air and digital media travel shows via NPR affiliate KCBX.
Underwriting support for Journeys of Discovery provided by Nashville's Big Back Yard economic initiative focused on rural communities in the southwest quarter of Tennessee and the Shoals Region of Northern Alabama.
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