The Ark started back in 1965 as an Ann Arbor, Michigan coffee house that morphed into a legendary live-music venue. The Ark consistently attracts big name acts such as Joan Baez and Arlo Guthrie in addition to regional performers.
The art of story telling is a specialty at the Ark, hosting local performers and the Moth’s annual Grand Slam Championship. Correspondent Tom Wilmer visits with Barb Chaffer Authier, marketing director at the Ark.
You are invited to subscribe to the Lowell Thomas Award-winning travel show podcast, Journeys of Discovery with Tom Wilmer, featured on the NPR Podcast Directory, Apple Podcast, iHeartRadio, the NPR One App & Twitter: TomCWilmer. Instagram: Thomas.Wilmer. Member of the National Press Club in Washington D.C. Underwriting support provided by the Society of St. Vincent De Paul.