San Luis Obispo cannabis retailers can now deliver its products to customers. This comes after a unanimous vote from the city council this week.
Cannabis delivery businesses have been present in San Luis Obispo since 2019, but previous city guidelines said storefronts weren’t allowed to deliver their products to customers. Businesses had to decide between a delivery or storefront license in order to sell cannabis in SLO.
At Tuesday’s city council meeting, the city’s cannabis business coordinator, Ivana Gomez, said that new guidelines will allow storefront businesses to apply for a conditional-use permit.
“Essentially this establishes a pathway for our existing retail store fronts in the city to apply for and receive approval to conduct delivery out of their existing storefront locations, which would increase flexibility for operators to make sales,” Gomez said.
As of this week, two storefront businesses sell cannabis products in San Luis Obispo — Megan’s Organic Market and SLO Cal Roots.
Businesses interested in applying for the permit can reach out to the city’s Community Development Department for more information.