Ventura County added to major disaster declaration
Ventura County has joined the Central Coast counties eligible for federal disaster aid. President Joe Biden last night approved Congressman Salud Carbajal’s request to include Ventura County in his major disaster declaration.
Carbajal requested the amendment in the aftermath of heavy storms and flooding across the Central Coast.
This means Ventura County residents and business owners can apply directly for aid that can help cover home repair costs, rent and temporary lodging, unemployment and child care expenses, and other matters related to storm-damage.
Last month the Biden administration approved Carbajal’s request to approve San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara and Monterey Counties for FEMA disaster aid.
Food benefits for people affected by the storm
As California continues with storm recovery efforts, the state department of social services is now offering food benefits for families affected by the storm. They’re calling it their Disaster CalFresh Program, or D-SNAP.
San Luis Obispo, Monterey and Santa Barbara Counties are three of nine counties eligible for the food benefits. The state agency says a family of four, with a monthly income of about $3,130 is eligible to receive up to $939 in food benefits.
To qualify for the program you must have been a SLO, Santa Barbara or Monterey County resident between December 27th and January 25th. Residents who already receive CalFresh food benefits do not qualify.
Pre-registered applications will be available starting Saturday, February 4. Monterey County residents can apply at, and SLO and Santa Barbara County residents can apply at
For more information on qualifications, visit