A portion of Highway 1 that has been closed since last year is set to reopen this summer.
Winter storms caused a rockslide to fall on the Paul’s Slide area of Highway 1 in January 2023. The area’s reopening will give travelers direct access to Lucia and Hermitage, and people traveling from Cambria and San Simeon could drive all the way up to Limekiln State Park.
Kevin Drabinski is with Caltrans. He said that even though it’s only a portion of the highway reopening, it still boosts morale.
“Even if it doesn't return the world fully open from Cambria to Carmel, it's still is a major engineering feat and accomplishment and we'd like to return every mile possible back to the people of the great state of California,” said Drabinski.
He also said that reopening this section of Highway 1 will benefit businesses from communities like Lucia and Hermitage who rely on tourism.
“I think everybody should get out and see the incredible work that's been accomplished,” said Drabinski. “Get a friend to drive so you can concentrate on the beautiful scenery and really renew your experience with the Big Sur coast.”
Drabinski said as of now, Caltrans is putting down base material for the road, after which they can put down the final paving.
Additionally, they will be adding guard railing and a concrete barrier with fencing for extra protection.