California has begun its annual ban on sport harvesting mussels. The order is issued to prevent people from sickness or death.
The federal government took steps to protect humpback whales from deadly entanglements off the California coast. The Center for Biological Diversity said fishing gear is injuring and killing the species.
The first winter storm this year damaged a coastal access stairway in Pismo beach, closing it for the foreseeable future.But, the city said, while one stairway is now closed, repair work is set to begin on another that's been boarded up for years.
The theme for Earth Day 2021 is Restore Our Earth, which focuses on natural processes, emerging green technologies, and innovative thinking that can…
The journey of driving along Highway 1 through Big Sur Country is one of the most spiritual routes in America, but unless you’re a Big Sur local, you…
A massive landslide this past spring sealed off Highway 1 nine miles north of the San Luis Obispo/Monterey County line. Fortunately the dramatic realm of…
Join Brad Buckley manager of the Abalone Farm for an insider’s look at the world of abalone aquaculture. The Abalone Farm, located on a bluff top above…
On Saturday, Central Coast freshman U.S. congressman Salud Carbajal announced the introduction of his first piece of legislation. With the California…
Monterey County is now the seventh county in California to ban fracking. Voters there approved Measure Z last Tuesday by a margin of 11 points.The Protect…
David Helvarg is an ocean advocate and author of The Golden Shore: California's Love Affair with the Sea. He will be giving a series of speeches and book…