Join correspondent Tom Wilmer for a conversation with Amy Brown, founder and CEO of Indianapolis based Authenticx.

Salena Scardina with the Indiana Economic Development Corporation offers surgical questions that further propel Brown’s mission.
Brown asks, “When you call your health care provider or insurance company have you ever questioned why the call typically commences with an announcement that “This call will be recorded…”
At Authenticx, we harvest millions of those recorded customer interactions that are already occurring—whether via calls, emails, or chats.
Through A.I., and natural language processing, Brown notes, “we discern invaluable insights from those conversations to provide surgical insights about customer’s frustrations and failures to receive prompt responses. We are in the business of humanizing A.I.
Next up is a conversation with Ting Gootee, President and CEO of Indianapolis based TechPoint, a greater good, non-profit venture capital firm. It was through Ms. Brown meeting Ms. Gootee that the funding for Authenticx was launched in 2018 and now the company has 120 employees and is rapidly expanding.

Ms. Gootee says, TechPoint is the growth initiative for Indiana’s digital economy. “We accomplish that through expanding the talent pipeline, enhancing connectivity while elevating the industry.

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