Correspondent Tom Wilmer says, “When I first visited Missouri I kept hearing people talk with reverence about one of their favorite sons, outdoorsman extraordinaire, Johnny Morris. Incredibly, Morris’s multi-billion dollar empire all started with a tiny eight square-foot bait and tackle stand in his parents Springfield Missouri liquor store.

Today, Morris’s empire includes more than 170 Bass Pro Shops across America and Canada, a world-class Wonders of Wildlife National Museum and Aquarium and so much more.
Come along and join the journey for a sampler of Johnny Morris’s incredible outdoor empire. Will start our exploration with Misty Mitchell, Director of Conservation Programs for the Johnny Morris Foundation—she offers an overview of special things to do and see.

We’ll then meet up with Jeff Wilhoit who handles marketing for Bass Pro Shop’s Big Cedar Lodge. Wilhoit shares cool insights about the legendary Top of the Rock Heritage Preserve, followed by a visit with Rick Fletcher, a tour guide at Morris’s Dogwood Canyon Nature Park.